Martin Luther King Lyrics PDF
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Martin Lutero King
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BY Linda Quiroz

Title: Seven Elements

Description: A catchy singalong that teaches children about the 7 elements of a story.

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BY Linda Quiroz

Title: Two Parts

Description: Fun singalong to teach kids about the two parts needed to create a sentence.

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BY Linda Quiroz

Title: The Meaning of a Preposition

Description: Cheerful song that teaches children the meaning of a preposition.

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Scroll Down to Hear a Sample of All the Songs in the 7 Albums Offered in Our First Online Product Line - 85 Tracks in Total.

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This song, when accompanied by body movements for each letter, can really speed up learning the alphabet for preschool children.

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This song explains to children that vowel sounds can only be produced with an open mouth.

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This song addresses the long and short vowel sounds and the marks that teachers may use over each vowel to distinguish long from short.

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This is a fun song explaining how question marks are used. Clap, jump rope or dance to this one.

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One of the simplest rules but probably the most difficult to get kids to apply: Capitalize the first word in a sentence and add a period at the end.

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This upbeat song has plenty of examples of adjectives describing nouns.

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This song drills kids on the noun by associating it with persons, places and things. They won’t ever forget it!

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Through this lively and humorous selection, kids will easily remember the parts of a friendly letter. Great for developing pen-pals.

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This cool chant explains the procedure for organizing words in alphabetical order. Sing it ‘rap’ style!

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Ten simple punctuation rules are explained in this soothing and melodious song. It’s almost endearing.

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This lively song addresses compare and contrast as seen through a Venn Diagram. Great to role play or dance to.

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Listen to this chant a few times and you will soon remember when capitalization should be used.

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Use hand gestures to accompany the seven elements of a narrative passage or story explained in this finger-snapping tune.

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This humorous song attempts to explain the concept of inference as seen by a boy in trouble.

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This beautiful song addresses the three main tenses. Use hand motions for added fun and retention.

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The naming and telling parts of a sentence are personified in this cute country-style song. Role play!

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This robot is lost! He frantically uses prepositions to aid in his rescue. Definitely a kid favorite because it’s a story with a happy ending.

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The long and short vowel rule, which applies about 65% of the time, is explained in this song

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Wow! If we could all learn the procedure explained in this catchy tune, we could organize every project, large or small.

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This fun song compares the main idea to meatballs and the details to the spaghetti. Great for emphasis on the most important part of any passage.

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Aprende el abecedario con esta cancioncita y usa movimiento para moverte al ritmo.

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Esta cancion ensena que la boca se mantiene abierta para producir el sonido de las vocales.

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Con esta cancion cortita los ninos aprenden los nombres de las cinco vocales.

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Los signos de interrogacion nos ayudan a hacer preguntas. Pueden bailar o pueden tortear las manos al ritmo alegre.

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Esta cancion declara que la oracion necesita mayuscula y punto final. Usen movimiento para aumentar el entendimiento.

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Alegre cancion que nos dice que el adjetivo describe al sustantivo. Hay varios ejemplos en este canto facil de aprender.

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El sustantivo no me asusta porque es facil reconocerlo. Los lugares, personas y cosas son sustantivos. Tambien le puede agregar ‘ideas’ al canto.

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Que bonito es saber como corresponder por medio de una carta amigable. !Esta se baila!

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Por medio de este canto se aprende a organizar palabras en orden alfabetico. Cantalo al estilo ‘rap’.

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En esta cancion suave y con bonita melodia se explican diez reglas de puntuacion. Buena para usar de referencia.

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Con esta hermosa cancion se aprende de similitudes y diferencias, animando al nino a utilizar el Diagrama Venn para comparar. Al estilo Espanola!

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Este canto explica cuando se debe usar la mayuscula en varias posiciones en una oracion. !Usala!

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Los siete elementos basicos de una historia se declaran en esta cancion. Usen movimientos apropiados para aumentar el entendimiento.

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Un nino esta frustrado porque le hecharon la culpa por algo que no hizo. Esta cancion desarrolla el concepto de la inferencia en manera humoristica.

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Aqui, la consonante viene personificada y se quiere casar con una vocal para formar el sonido de una silaba. !Hacen bonita pareja!

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Esta cancion le sigue a la de ‘Las Vocales’ y tiene la misma melodia para continuar el reconocimiento de las vocales e introducir las silabas sencillas.

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La hache muda se presenta aqui personificada como un viejito. Cancion divertida y humoristica cual les gusta a los ninos.

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La ‘C’ puede sonar suave o fuerte. ?Como vamos a saber cual sonido usar? !Con esta cancion lo sabran! Usen las manos para producir los sonidos.

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El sonido de la ‘R’ en posiciones inicial, medial y final se explica en esta cancion por medio de una pareja de ratoncitos. !Divertida!

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Este nino es travieso pero sabe observar la regla para pronunciar el diptongo correctamente y respeta a su maestra en hacerlo. Les encantara.

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Aprende el abecedario con animo cantando y bailando al ritmo de esta cancion. Usen movimientos apropiados para cada letra. Note: Esta cancion se grabo hace tiempo y el abecedario espanol ha cambiado desde entonces. Pronto se grabara una version nueva con las revisiones en letras. Esta cancion se encuentra en el Album de Burbujas A y en el Album Estas si Vol. 5 Espanol con la misma letra.

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Esta cancion es especial porque la compositora, Linda Quiroz, vendia tamales por su abuela de nina. Se presenta esta tradicion en esta seleccion cultural.

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Un nino pensativo considera sus opciones de carreras cuando sea adulto.

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Con esta cancion se aprende como se hace una llamada de emergencia al 911. Platica y practica, por si acaso se les ofrece hacer esta llamada.

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Aqui, una hermosa melodia para considerar las cosas que nos pueden traer las olas del mar.

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Un nino reusa banarse hasta que se encuentra una chica que le hace considerar practicar buena higiene. Humoristica.

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A estos pobres ositos se les poncharon las llantas de sus triciclos. Contando de tres en tres descubriremos cuantas llantas se necesitan parchar.

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Esta cancion ayuda en la identificacion de diferentes formaciones de nubes.

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Este nino fantasea con volar en una nave espacial a traves del sistema solar. Se aprenden los nombres de los planetas en orden, y facilmente.

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Martin Luther King fue una inspiracion para la humanidad para vivir juntos en paz y en armonia.

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Vamos contando de dos en dos como los animales que abordaron el arca de Noe. Se repite el contado de dos en dos varias veces.

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Esta cancion da animo para que los ninos hagan sus quehaceres del dia. Cantenla mientras trabajan.

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Que bonito saber corresponder por medio de una carta amigable como en tiempos pasados. !Todavia lo puedes hacer!

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Esta cancion relajante explica el camino del sol de este a oeste. Usen movimiento para seguir el camino del sol a traves del cielo.

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This upbeat song will help children learn the alphabet quickly and in a fun way. Use body movements or snap your fingers!

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This song is special because the artist sold tamales for her grandmother as a child. This cultural tradition is visualized and dignified in this piece.

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A young child ponders, asking himself what career might he choose as a grown-up. So many choices!

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The procedure for making an emergency 911 call is addressed in this song. Talk about it and practice it with your child.

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Through this beautiful song a child considers things that waves can bring from the sea.

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An unruly boy refuses to take a bath. That is, until he meets Sally Mae and decides he wants to impress her by practicing good hygiene! Fun song.

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The Bear Family wanders through the desert and the children’s tricycle tires go flat. They have to count by 3s to discover how many tires need patching.

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Learn about different cloud formations through this joyful song.

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A young child fantasizes about traveling through the Solar System. The names of the planets in order from the sun are easily learned.

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This beautiful song is a tribute to Martin Luther King and his dream for humanity to live in peace and harmony.

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The animals board Noah’s Arc 2 by 2. Learn to count by 2 quickly and easily by singing this song.

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Chores are almost fun when you have an encouraging song to sing while you work.

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It’s fun to learn the parts of a friendly letter with this very dance-able song! Time to start a pen-pal relationship with another campus or city.

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This is a gentle song for learning that the sun comes up in the East and sets in the West. Use body movements to track the sun’s path.

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These mnemonic chants are for memorizing the 16 toughest multiplication facts. Download the printable lyrics for greater retention.

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